302 research outputs found

    Udjel solasonina i ekspresija gena SGT1 u različitim tkivima dvaju genotipova patlidžana (Solanum melongena L.), porijeklom iz Irana

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    Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. The eggplant glycoalkaloids (GAs) are toxic secondary metabolites that may have detrimental effects on human health, particularly if the magnitudes of GAs are higher than the recommended food safety level (200 mg per kg of fresh mass). In this study, the content of solasonine compound and the expression patterns of solasodine galactosyltransferase (SGT1) gene were assessed in different tissues (mature leaves, flower buds, young, mature, and physiologically ripe fruits) of two Iranian eggplant genotypes (D1 and J10) under field conditions. The maximum mass fraction of solasonine in D1 was detected in flower buds (135.63 µg/g), followed by leaf (113.29 µg/g), physiologically ripe fruit (74.74 µg/g), young fruit (61.33 µg/g), and mature fruit (21.55 µg/g). Comparing both genotypes, the genotype of bitter fruits (J10) contained higher mass fraction of solasonine, as one of the main factors for producing bitter flavour of the plant. Regarding the expression profiles of SGT1, in both genotypes, the activity of the gene was increased nearly parallel with the concentration of solasonine. In the J10 genotype, transcript level of the gene was significantly higher than the genotype of sweet fruits (D1). Although both D1 and J10 genotypes are possibly recommendable for human food consumption, D1 is more suitable for daily diet.Patlidžan (Solanum melongena L.) je jedna od najčešće konzumiranih vrsta povrća u svijetu. Glikoalkaloidi nastaju u patlidžanu kao toksični sekundarni metaboliti, a mogu štetno djelovati na zdravlje čovjeka, osobito ako je njihov udjel veći od preporučene maksimalne doze od 200 miligrama po kilogramu svježe mase. U ovom su radu ispitani udjel solasonina i ekspresija gena koji kodira za solasodin galaktoziltransferazu (SGT1) u različitim tkivima (zreli list, pupoljak, te nezreli, tehnološki zreli i fiziološki zreli plod) dvaju genotipova patlidžana (D1 i J10) uzgojenih na polju u Iranu. Najveći maseni udjel solasonina pronađen je u genotipu D1 i to u pupoljcima (135,63 μg/g), zatim u lišću (113,29 μg/g), fiziološki zrelom plodu (74,74 μg/g), nezrelom plodu (61,33 μg/g) i tehnološki zrelom plodu (21,55 μg/g). Usporedbom je genotipova utvrđeno da je plod genotipa J10, koji ima izraženiju gorčinu, sadržavao veći maseni udjel solasonina, jednog od glavnih čimbenika razvoja gorkog okusa biljaka. Aktivnost se gena SGT1 povećala u oba genotipa gotovo usporedno s povećanjem koncentracije solasonina. Transkripcija gena bila je bitno veća u genotipu J10 nego u D1. Iako se oba genotipa mogu preporučiti za konzumaciju, genotip D1 se pokazao prikladnijim za svakodnevnu uporabu

    Political Institutions and Government Spending Behavior: Theory and Evidence from Iran

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    This study examines how quality of political institutions affects the distribution of government budget in Iran. We first introduce a mechanism through which this can shift government expenditure from patronage to more constructive public spending. Using impulse response functions (IRF) and variance decomposition analysis (VDC) on the basis of Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model, our results imply that a positive shock towards more democratic institutions leads to negative and statistically significant response of military spending and positive and statistically significant response of education expenditures. Our results are robust to different political institutional quality indicators, ordering of variables in the VAR and different specifications of government spending categories

    Molecular study in some species of family Papaveracea and Fumariaceae in Iraq and Iran by used matK gene and ITS4/5

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    The position between the three families Papaveraceae, Fumariaceae and Hypecoaceae is one of the most problematic taxonomic. To understand the phylogeny relationship of these genera thirty six samples of Papaveraceae s.l. were extracted for DNA analysis. Three primers based on ITS of nrDNA ITS3,5 ITS4,5 and matk chloroplast gene were used in PCR amplification. Phylogenetic relationships among genera and species of Papaveraceae s.l. based on Neighbor-joining (NJ), UPGMA and ML-DTR-GL 1000 models were drowning. The clades of phylogenetic relationship clearly support relationships of Fumariaceae to the Fumarioideae in the family Papaveraceae s.l. Keywords: Papaveraceae, Fumariaceae, classification, ITS, mat

    Irrigation with municipal wastewater as a suitable solution for safflower cultivation in arid regions

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    In order to study the effect of different manure and chemical fertilizer levels on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of safflower in the condition of irrigation with municipal wastewater, an experiment was conducted as split plot basis of randomized complete design in Lakhshah region locate in Zahedan city, Iran. The treatments were comprised of two levels of irrigation, W1= Well water and W2= Treated wastewater, in main plots and sub plots consisted of F1: control (without consumption of manure and chemical fertilizer), F2: Recommended manure, F3: Half of recommended manure and chemical fertilizer (N, P and K), and F4: Recommended chemical fertilizer (N, P and K). The results showed that Treatment of treated wastewater had a positive and significant influence on all yield components, and the most influence was shown on 1000 seed weight. Also, irrigation with wastewater significantly increases the dry and fresh yield and grain yield of safflower than ordinary water. Among the fertilizer treatments, complete treatment of chemical fertilizer N, P and K had the greatest effect on increase of yield and grain yield components. In this experiment, water treatment hadn’t significant effect on accumulation of Cr, pb, Fe and Mn in safflower grain, and soil. While, fertilizer treatment had only a significant influence on the accumulation of Fe and Mn in safflower grain, but between these treatments wasn’t saw any significant difference on the accumulation of Cr and pb. In general, the results of this experiment showed that irrigation with wastewater and application of complete fertilizer with manure is recommended

    Protein pattern analysis in tolerant and susceptible wheat cultivars under salinity stress conditions

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    To investigate proteome pattern of wheat cultivars, young leaves were collected from tillering stage of seedlings two weeks after development of the salinity stress. The extraction of proteins from leaf tissue was done and two dimensional electrophoresis using IPG strips and SDS-PAGE in the control and salinity treatments were performed. In total, 198 and 203 protein spots were identified in tolerant (‘Moghan3’) and susceptible (‘Pishtaz’) cultivars respectively. Also, among these, spots number 21 and 22 were detected with significant IF in ‘Moghan3’ and ‘Pishtaz’ respectively. Two-stage mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was used to identify protein spots. Common identified proteins, including proteins involved in removal of oxidants, Calvin cycle proteins, proteins involved in light reaction of photosynthesis and proton transfer, and heat shock protein were identified on basis of the functional groups and their frequency. In total, ‘Moghan3’ maintained the stability of the structure and performance of carbon metabolism under stress better than susceptible cultivar. In addition, defense against oxidative stress induced by salinity stress was performed by 2-cys peroxiredoxin BAS1 and Cu-Zn SOD proteins that tolerant cultivar defended against oxidative stress better than the susceptible cultivar. The greatest strength of ‘Moghan3’ and major weakness in ‘Pishtaz’ are relying on the unique proteins formed under salinity stress for the removal of oxidants and to maintain the activity of the photosynthetic light reactions, respectively.</p

    Genotype × environment interaction by AMMI and GGE biplot analysis in three consecutive generations of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under normal and drought stress conditions

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    Thirty six wheat genotypes derived from diallel crosses from F1 to F3 and their parents were evaluated in six different environments for the stability of performance. Performance was measured by seed yield per plant under drought and non-drought stress conditions. The experiment was conducted as a randomised complete block design with three replications in over one year. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and Genotype main effect and genotype x environment interaction (GGE) were employed in the evaluation of genotypes; AMMI analyses showed significant (P< 0.01) G × E, (genotype × environment interaction) with respect to plant seed yield. The AMMI stability value (ASV) revealed that cross number 14 (Irena × Veery) is stable. GGE-biplot models showed that the six environments used for the study belonged to two mega-environments. The GGE results also confirmed crosses number 11 (Irena × Chamran) and 17 (S-78-11 × Chamran) as the most stable, and recommended for the creation of hybrids. Based on environment 3 (F3 population, drought) with an inbreeding depression effect, hybrid number 17 (S-78-11 × Chamran) was identified as the best line due to its stability and high yield

    Contrôle génétique de la tolérance au stress salin chez Medicago truncatula

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    Parmi les contraintes abiotiques la salinité est considérée comme un problème majeur, qui affecte le fonctionnement des plantes, en particulier leur croissance et leur rendement. Afin d étudier le contrôle génétique de la tolérance à la salinité chez Medicago truncatula, plante modèle de la famille des légumineuses, deux expérimentations ont été réalisées. La première expérimentation visait à étudier l effet de la contrainte saline sur différents paramètres morpho-physiologiques pour un panel de génotypes de M. truncatula afin de déterminer les traits de phénotypage pour la tolérance à la salinité. Les génotypes A17, TN1.11, DZA315.16, A20, TN1.12 et F83005.5 ont été sélectionnés parmi des lignées originaires de différents pays méditerranéens, qui ont été déjà séquencées (http://www1.montpellierinra.fr/BRC-MTR/mauguio/mauguio.php). Les génotypes ont été étudiés sous 6 traitements salins (0, 30, 60, 90,120 et 150 mM NaCl) dans un essai factoriel sous forme de blocs complets aléatoires en trois répétitions. L analyse de la variance montre des différences significatives entre les niveaux de salinité et une interaction entre les génotypes et les traitements salins concernant la plupart des caractères étudiés. Le génotype DZA315.16 présente les valeurs les plus importantes concernant les effets principaux pour les caractères morphologiques alors que TN1.11 présente les valeurs les plus faibles. La projection verticale de la surface foliaire de la plante (Leaf Area=LA), significativement corrélée à la biomasse des plantes, apparaît comme un trait d intérêt pour le phénotypage de la tolérance à la salinité. La concentration saline la mieux adaptée pour démontrer les différences parmi les lignes étudiées se situe entre 90 et 120 mM NaCl. Le génotype TN1.11 contrairement à DZA315.16 et à Jemalong-A17 présente un maintien de la surface foliaire de la plante en réponse à la salinité. Pour la deuxième expérimentation, une population de cent lignées recombinantes (Recombinant Inbred Lines=RILs) produite par le croisement entre TN1.11 et Jemalong-A17 a été retenue pour l analyse du contrôle génétique de la tolérance à la salinité. Les RILs ont été développés par la méthode de descendant mono graines (Single Seed descent= SSD) jusqu à la génération F6 à l INP-ENSAT, France. Le plan d experimentation est Spli plots , sous forme de blocs randomisés avec trois répétitions et deux conditions : traitement salin (100 mM NaCl) et témoin (eau). L expérience a été menée pour déterminer la variabilité génétique et pour identifier les QTLs contrôlant les caractères morphologiques et physiologiques chez la population des lignées recombinantes (RILs). L analyse de la variance a montré une large variation génétique et une ségrégation transgressive pour les caractères étudiés. La différence entre la moyenne des RILs et la moyenne de leurs parents n est pas significative concernant tous les caractères étudiés dans les deux conditions, ce qui montre que les RILs utilisées dans notre expérimentation sont représentatives de toutes les lignées recombinantes possibles du croisement TN1.11 x Jemalong-A17 . 21 QTLs ont été détectés dans la condition témoin et 19 QTLs ont été identifiés sous contrainte saline (100 mM NaCl). Le pourcentage de la variance phénotypique expliqué par les QTLs varie entre 4.60% et 23.01%. Certains de ces QTLs sont spécifiques à la condition saline, ce qui démontre l existence du contrôle génétique de la tolérance à la salinité chez M. truncatula ; tandis que les autres ne sont pas spécifiques et contrôlent un même caractère dans les deux conditions. Des QTLs superposés concernant différents caractères ont été aussi observés. Les résultats fournissent des informations importantes en vue de futures analyses fonctionnelles de la tolérance à la salinité chez M.truncatula et pour d autres espèces voisines.Among abiotic stresses salinity is considered as a serious problem affecting plant functions especially growth and yield. In order to study the genetic control of salt stress in the model legume Medicago truncatula, two experiments were performed. The first experiment was conducted to study the effect of salt stress on some morpho-physiological parameters in M. truncatula genotypes and to determine the eventual use of some traits as tolerance criteria. Genotypes including A17, TN1.11, DZA315.16, A20, TN1.12 and F83005.5 are selected through a sequenced lines collection (http://www1.montpellierinra.fr/BRC-MTR/mauguio/mauguio.php) which are originated from different Mediterranean countries. Genotypes were studied under 6 salinity treatments (0, 30, 60, 90,120 and 150 mM NaCl) in a factorial design based on randomized complete blocks with three replications. Analysis of variance show significant differences among genotypes, salinity levels and interaction between genotypes and salt treatments for most of studied traits. DZA315.16 genotype presents the highest main effect values for morphological traits whereas TN1.11 has low values. Vertically projected leaf area (LA); show the highest variability through all studied salt concentrations. The best concentration to find differences between parental lines is 90 to 120 mM Nacl. A segregating population of recombinant inbred lines (100 RILs) of M.truncatula derived from a cross between TN1.11 and Jemalong-A17 was used for the second experiment. RILs were developed by single-seed descent until F6 generation at the INP-ENSAT, France. The experiment was undertaken to determine the genetic variability and to identify QTLs controlling several traits related to plant growth and physiology, in the population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Analyses of variance showed a large genetic variation and transgressive segregation for the traits studied. The difference between the mean of RILs and the mean of their parents was not significant for all of the traits in both conditions, showing that the RILs used in our experiment are representative of the possible recombinant lines from the cross TN1.11 x A17. A total of 21 QTLs were detected under control and 19 QTLs were identified under 100mM salt stress conditions. The percentage of total phenotypic variance explained by the QTLs ranged from 4.60% to 23.01%. Some of the QTLs were specific for one condition, demonstrating that the genetic control of a traits differed under control and salt stress conditions. Some others are non-specific and control a trait in both conditions. Overlapping QTLs for different traits were also observed. The results provide important information for further functional analysis of salt tolerance in M. truncatulaTOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Distribution of heavy metals in surface sediments from the South China Sea ecosystem, Malaysia

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    The concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc in surface sediments collected from the east coast of peninsular Malaysia, along the South China Sea, were measured by two methods instrumental neutron activation analysis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. The obtained results were use to determine the areal distribution of the metals of in the east coast of peninsular Malaysia and potential sources of these metals to this environment. The geochemical data propose that most of the metals found in the east coast of peninsular Malaysia constitute a redistribution of territorial materials within the ecosystem. Then, the metal concentrations can be considered to be present at natural background levels in surface sediments

    Microsatellite analysis of Damask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) accessions from various regions in Iran reveals multiple genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: Damask roses (Rosa damascena Mill.) are mainly used for essential oil production. Previous studies have indicated that all production material in Bulgaria and Turkey consists of only one genotype. Nine polymorphic microsatellite markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of 40 accessions of R. damascena collected across major and minor rose oil production areas in Iran. RESULTS: All microsatellite markers showed a high level of polymorphism (5–15 alleles per microsatellite marker, with an average of 9.11 alleles per locus). Cluster analysis of genetic similarities revealed that these microsatellites identified a total of nine different genotypes. The genotype from Isfahan province, which is the major production area, was by far the most common genotype (27/40 accessions). It was identical to the Bulgarian genotype. Other genotypes (each represented by 1–4 accessions) were collected from minor production areas in several provinces, notably in the mountainous Northwest of Iran. CONCLUSION: This is the first study that uncovered genetic diversity within Damask rose. Our results will guide new collection activities to establish larger collections and manage the Iranian Damask rose genetic resources. The genotypes identified here may be directly useful for breeding